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Democratize Algorithmic Relevance
How does Artificial Intelligence influence our free choice of profession and support gender inequality? — This phone screen documentary investigates, in 10 chapters, how the distribution of job advertisements via algorithmic determined
ad-delivery reconstitutes power relations.
creating machines that are flawed with the policies of capitalist companies we’re locking ourselves in the
present, trapping us in a cycle of our own biases."
"Democratize Algorithmic Relevance" is a project by @_jennykonrad
and part of Who Speaks? –– a 2020 educational project on #artificialintelligence, #language,
#democracy launched by the @nonlinearnarrative Master’s programme at the @royalacademyofart.thehague, @goldsmithsuol (University of #london) and
@unioftheartslondon (CCV Camberwell College of Arts) in collaboration with the Analysis
and Research Department (DAO) of the Dutch Parliament.
Related Articles in the Dutch Constitution
Article 1:
All persons in the Netherlands shall be treated equally in equal circumstances. Discrimination on the grounds of
religion, belief, political opinion, race or sex or on any other grounds whatsoever shall not be permitted. Allen
die zich in Nederland bevinden, worden in gelijke gevallen gelijk behandeld. Discriminatie wegens
godsdienst, levensovertuiging, politieke gezindheid, ras, geslacht of op welke grond dan ook, is niet
Article 19:
3) The right of every Dutch national to a free choice of work shall be recognised, without prejudice to the
restrictions laid down by or pursuant to Act of Parliament. 3) Het recht van iedere Nederlander op vrije
keuze van arbeid wordt erkend, behoudens de beperkingen bij of
krachtens de wet gesteld.
Chapter References
01_ On Being Somebody
Instagram (n.d.)., personally received Instagram advertisements ©2020 Facebook.
Spring – Summer 2020. Screenrecording by author.
02_ On Advertising
Google Search (n.d.)., search result data ©2020 Google. Retrieved July 2020.
Screenrecording by author.
Instagram (n.d.)., personally received Instagram advertisements ©2020 Facebook.
Spring – Summer 2020. Screenrecording by author.
Instagram for Business (n.d.)., "About
Instagram Ads" ©2020 Instagram, accessed in July 2020
Facebook for
Business, "About Ad Relevance Diagnostics" ©2020 Facebook, accessed in July 2020
03_ On Relevance
Jeppe Nicolaisen, "The problem of
probability: an examination and refutation of Hjørland’s relevance equation", 1 March 2017, accessed in July
04_ On Not Being Relevant
Instagram (n.d.)., personally received Instagram advertisements ©2020 Facebook.
Spring – Summer 2020. Screenrecording by author.
05_ On Nudging
Google Search (n.d.)., search result data ©2020 Google. Retrieved July 2020.
Screenrecording by author.
Simon, Carsta & Tagliabue, Marco, "Feeding the behavioral revolution: Contributions of behavior
analysis to nudging and vice versa.", Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy. 2. 91-97, 2018
Walt Hickey, "The Workplace Is Even More Sexist In Movies Than In Reality", 10 March 2015,
accessed in July 2020
Roy de Souza, "A Short
History of
Targeted Advertising", 27 May 2015, accessed in July 2020
Facebook for
Business, "reaching the right people" ©2020 Facebook, accessed in July 2020
Facebook for
"reaching the right people" ©2020 Facebook, accessed in July 2020
Facebook for Business, "return on
investment" ©2020 Facebook, accessed in July 2020
Henriette Prast, "The Myth of Gender Equality in the Netherlands", Tilburg University, 16
2019, accessed in July 2020
06_ On Targeting
Facebook for Business, "automized
algorithmic estimation" ©2020 Facebook, accessed in July 2020
Wheeler, "All of Facebook’s Ad Targeting Options (in One Epic Infographic)", (n.d.), accessed in July
07_ On Selling Attention
Muhammad Ali et al., "Discrimination Through
Optimization: How Facebook’s Ad Delivery Can Lead to Skewed Outcomes", arXiv, 12 September 2019
Instagram (n.d.)., personally received Instagram advertisements ©2020 Facebook.
Spring – Summer 2020. Screenrecording by author.
Facebook for
Business, "About Ad Auctions" ©2020 Facebook, accessed in July 2020
Instagram for Business (n.d.).,
tracks the people" ©2020 Instagram, accessed in July 2020
Facebook for
Business, "About Ad Auctions" ©2020 Facebook, accessed in July 2020
Solon, "'This oversteps a boundary': teenagers perturbed by Facebook surveillance", The Guardian, 2 May
accessed in July 2020
Google Maps (n.d.)., Map data ©2020 Google. Retrieved July 2020. Screenrecording by
Instagram (n.d.)., personally received Instagram advertisements ©2020 Facebook.
Spring – Summer 2020. Screenrecording by author.
Cycles (n.d.)., App data ©2020 Cycles. Retrieved July 2020. Screenshot by
Dina Fine Maron, "Science Career Ads Are Disproportionately Seen by Men",
25 July 2018, accessed in July 2020
08_ On Algorithmic Delivery
Muhammad Ali et al., "Discrimination Through
Optimization: How Facebook’s Ad Delivery Can Lead to Skewed Outcomes", arXiv, 12 September 2019
Isobel Asher Hamilton, "Facebook’s ad targeting discriminates by race and gender, even when
not told to, study suggests", arXiv, 4 April 2019, accessed in July 2020
Dollar, "Segmenting and refining images with SharpMask", Facebook Engeneering, 25 August 2016, accessed in
Instagram (n.d.)., personally received broken feed ©2020 Facebook. Retrieved July
Screenshots taken and manipulated by author.
09_ On Having A Choice
Facebook (n.d.)., interests page of personal Facebook profile ©2020 Facebook.
July 2020. Screenrecording by author.
Facebook (n.d.)., personal Facebook Ads Manager ©2020 Facebook. Retrieved July 2020.
Screenrecording by author.
10_ On Governing Algorithms
Dina Fine Maron, "Science Career Ads Are Disproportionately Seen by Men",
25 July 2018, accessed in July 2020